
#OSSVAT #VATCompliance #EcommerceEurope #CrossBorderSales #VATRegistration

Understanding OSS VAT Reporting in Europe: When to Register and Which Country to Choose

As e-commerce continues to flourish across Europe, understanding the intricacies of VAT reporting becomes essential for businesses engaged in cross-border sales. The One-Stop-Shop (OSS) VAT scheme, introduced by the European Union, simplifies VAT compliance for online sellers. In this article, we’ll delve into what OSS VAT reporting entails, when a business needs to register under …

Understanding OSS VAT Reporting in Europe: When to Register and Which Country to Choose Read More »

B2B and B2C Transactions in Germany

Understanding VAT Responsibilities in B2B and B2C Transactions in Germany When engaging in business transactions in Germany, it is crucial to understand the responsibilities regarding Value Added Tax (VAT) for both B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) transactions. This article aims to clarify the VAT obligations for companies registered in Germany. VAT in B2B Transactions For …

B2B and B2C Transactions in Germany Read More »

#Form210AEAT, #NonResidentTaxSpain, #IRNR, #SpanishPropertyTax, #TaxDeadlinesSpain

Changes form 210 tax return Spain. Taxes for rental. Updates from 2024!

210 tax return. What is form 210 AEAT? Form 210 for the Spanish Tax Agency is the tax return form by which taxpayers who do not reside in Spain, self-assess their real income obtained in our country or income, capital gains and/or real estate allocations related to properties located in our country. In short, the Spanish …

Changes form 210 tax return Spain. Taxes for rental. Updates from 2024! Read More »

#SelfEmployedSpain #IncomeTaxDeductions #InsuranceDeductions #FreelancerFinancesSpain #TaxTipsForSelfEmployed #SpainTaxDeductions #AutonomoInsuranceTax

Deducting insurance for the income tax as a self-employed in Spain.

If you are self-employed, this becomes even more relevant, as it is time to review the deductible expenses that can help you optimise your tax situation. In this regard, one of the least explored, but very important, aspects is the possibility of deducting insurance on your income tax. In this article, we explain in detail …

Deducting insurance for the income tax as a self-employed in Spain. Read More »

Impuesto sobre la Renta, Declaración de la Renta, IRPF, Hacienda España, Retenciones IRPF, Deducciones Fiscales, Tramos IRPF, Agencia Tributaria, Campaña Renta, Gestión Tributaria ,Make income tax report 2023.

Home work: NEW deductions freelancers in Spain , costs from VAT, Renta 2023.

13.5% of people aged 35-54 telework, and those over 55 are not far behind with 12.1%. However, the self-employed could not deduct their housing costs from VAT. Until now. The Central Economic Administrative Court (TAEC) allows self-employed teleworkers to deduct VAT on housing supplies. Until now, self-employed workers could deduct electricity, internet, gas, etc. bills, …

Home work: NEW deductions freelancers in Spain , costs from VAT, Renta 2023. Read More »

#spain #taxes #income_tax #wealth_tax #investments #residents

Form 100 – Personal Income Tax Return (Renta). and Form 720 – Declaration of assets and rights located abroad 

Fiscal Information 2023 In this post, some questions about investments abroad are detailed. Form 100 – Personal Income Tax Return (Renta). In accordance with the provisions of article 2 of Law 35/2006, (IRPF), individuals resident in Spanish tax residents in Spanish territory are obliged to pay tax in the country on their worldwide country on …

Form 100 – Personal Income Tax Return (Renta). and Form 720 – Declaration of assets and rights located abroad  Read More »

#autonomo #freelancer #SocialSecurity #SMI (Salario Mínimo Interprofesional)

Freealancer, self-employed in Spain 2024. Start your activity!

Amount of the flat rate for the self-employed in 2024 The entry into force of the new contribution system for the self-employed/freelancer – autonomo based on their real income brought about an important change in the flat rate for the self-employed in Spain. Flat rate health insurance/Social Security taxes. Thus, the flat rate for the …

Freealancer, self-employed in Spain 2024. Start your activity! Read More »

credit cards, denim, jeans-1583534.jpg

EU’s DAC7: A Guide for Digital Platforms & Sellers (2024 Update)

Tired of complex tax rules? The EU’s DAC7 Directive simplifies things for digital platforms like yours and their sellers. Here’s your 2024 update on what you need to know! What is DAC7? Simply put, DAC7 requires platforms to report income & activity details of certain sellers to tax authorities. This ensures fairer competition and improves …

EU’s DAC7: A Guide for Digital Platforms & Sellers (2024 Update) Read More »

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