Property Law

#Form210AEAT, #NonResidentTaxSpain, #IRNR, #SpanishPropertyTax, #TaxDeadlinesSpain

Changes form 210 tax return Spain. Taxes for rental. Updates from 2024!

210 tax return. What is form 210 AEAT? Form 210 for the Spanish Tax Agency is the tax return form by which taxpayers who do not reside in Spain, self-assess their real income obtained in our country or income, capital gains and/or real estate allocations related to properties located in our country. In short, the Spanish …

Changes form 210 tax return Spain. Taxes for rental. Updates from 2024! Read More »

#spain #taxes #income_tax #wealth_tax #investments #residents

Form 100 – Personal Income Tax Return (Renta). and Form 720 – Declaration of assets and rights located abroad 

Fiscal Information 2023 In this post, some questions about investments abroad are detailed. Form 100 – Personal Income Tax Return (Renta). In accordance with the provisions of article 2 of Law 35/2006, (IRPF), individuals resident in Spanish tax residents in Spanish territory are obliged to pay tax in the country on their worldwide country on …

Form 100 – Personal Income Tax Return (Renta). and Form 720 – Declaration of assets and rights located abroad  Read More »

NUEVA ayuda 200 eur AEAT

NUEVA ayuda de 200 euros , one-off payment of 200 euros for individuals in Spain

What is NUEVA ayuda de 200 euros , one-off payment of 200 euros for individuals in Spain? This is a one-off payment of 200 euros for individuals with low income and assets who have been employed, self-employed or receiving unemployment benefit or subsidy during 2022 in Spain. Who may apply for this help? Those persons …

NUEVA ayuda de 200 euros , one-off payment of 200 euros for individuals in Spain Read More »

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