NUEVA ayuda de 200 euros , one-off payment of 200 euros for individuals in Spain

What is NUEVA ayuda de 200 euros , one-off payment of 200 euros for individuals in Spain?

This is a one-off payment of 200 euros for individuals with low income and assets who have been employed, self-employed or receiving unemployment benefit or subsidy during 2022 in Spain.

Who may apply for this help?

Those persons who, in 2022, may apply for this help in Spain:

  • Have carried out an activity as a self-employed or employed person for which they are registered in the corresponding Social Security or mutual insurance scheme,
  • Or have been beneficiaries of unemployment benefit or subsidy.
  • Provided that they do not exceed 27,000 euros in total income (i.e. the gross amount without deducting expenses or deductions) and 75,000 euros of assets on 31 December 2022 (excluding the main residence). (Taking as a reference, the income tax report 2022 data)
  • For the calculation, the income  of the following persons living in the same household must be added together: beneficiary; spouse; partner registered in the register of partners; descendants under 25 years of age, and your parents (please check our consultant services for further assitance)
  • And they have habitual residence in Spain, for 2022, and 2023.

What is full income and assets?

The full income and assets of the applicant and the following persons living in the same household must be taken into account:

their spouse or unmarried partner registered in the register of unmarried partners of the respective Autonomous Community or Autonomous City,
those persons who may be entitled to apply the minimum for descendants “More information” regulated in Law 35/2006, of 28 November, on Personal Income Tax,
ascendants up to the second degree through the direct line.
In order to determine these circumstances, the situation existing on 31 December 2022 will be taken into account.

Therefore, the income and assets of other people living together in the same household who are not linked by the above-mentioned ties will not be taken into account.

Thus, the income and assets of people who share a flat without having a relationship as mentioned in the three previous points will not be added together.

When should I apply for this help?

This help  can be applied for from 15 February to 31 March 2023. After 31 March 2023, this is not going to be possible. Please do not wait until last day, as you’re could face some technical problems.

Is ther any limitation over the the total income  in order to get the NUEVA ayuda de 200 euros in Spain?

In order to qualify for the NUEVA ayuda de 200 euros, in 2022 the total income must not exceed 27,000 euros (i.e. the gross amount without deducting expenses and deductions) and assets of 75,000 euros on 31 December 2022 (excluding the main residence).

For the calculation, the income and assets of the following persons living together in the same household must be added together: beneficiary; spouse; unmarried partner registered in the register of unmarried partners; descendants under 25 years of age.

How to submit the application of NUEVA ayuda of  200 euros in Spain?

In order to submit the application, it is necessary to have Cl@ve, electronic certificate or DNI-e. The form can also be submitted by a third party with our special electronic certificate as an certified accountant and lawyer. Please, contact us over:

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