What´s my Social Security Number Seguridad Social in Spain?

previous work contract
previous work contract, where you can find your Social security Number, NUSS NAF

What´s my Social Security Number in Spain?

What is the social security number, where can I find it, or is it the same as the affiliation number?

The Social Insurance Number (NUSS) identifies the citizen in his relations with the Social Security. It is compulsory if you want to work in Spain.

Is it the same as the Affiliation Number (NAF)?

The NUSS is the same as the Número de Afiliación (NAF). In fact, the Social Security number becomes the Affiliation Number when the citizen starts, for the first time, a work activity that determines their inclusion in the Social Security System, in any of the regimes (general, self-employed, Sea, etc.).

I need my Social Security/Affiliation number, where can I find it?

If you need to find it and you don’t know where to go, you can consult it very easily by accessing it through Import@ss, you can do so from this link, or from those enabled both on the website and in the Sede  Electronics and the application for Social Security mobile devices.

If you still having questions regarding your Social Insurance number in Spain,  you can contact me to: +49 1520 8381499 or Email to Erica@taxandlawspain.com

If you want  to know further conditions regarding your labour contract situation in Spain, you can read my article about How much I am receiving for sick leave due to common illness?



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