Claim the VAT you paid in the Netherland

Claim the VAT you paid in the Netherlands.

Belastingdiest in the Netherlands

Is your company based outside the EU? Then reclaim the VAT you paid in the Netherlands with the form ‘Application for VAT refund for entrepreneurs established in non-EU countries’. Submit your application before 1 July of the year following the year for which you are reclaiming VAT.

Registration number
We will only process your application after you have registered as a foreign trader. Don't have a registration number yet? You can apply for one using the form Registration of a business abroad. Do not attach any invoices to the form.

What to include with your application
You must enclose the following documents with your application for a VAT refund:

  • Certificate of entrepreneurship, preferably from your country’s tax office.
  • Copies of invoices
  • Import documents
  • Certificate of entrepreneurship
  • As a trader established outside the EU, you must enclose documents with your VAT refund application showing that you are a trader in your own country. Have you already submitted a certificate and was that certificate issued no more than one year ago? In this case, you do not need to submit a new certificate.

Import documents and copies of invoices
Enclose a copy of the import documents and invoices showing the VAT amount with your application. The invoices will not be returned to you after the process has been completed. We recommend that you make copies of the invoices and documents for your own administration.

Are you having the import carried out by a customs broker? Then you will not receive the originals of the import documents. In this case, you will find the amount of VAT you paid on the import on the invoice from the customs forwarder. You may deduct or reclaim this amount (but not the import fees).

Until when can you reclaim VAT?
You can reclaim Dutch VAT up to 5 years after the year in which you were invoiced for VAT.
In 2022, you can still reclaim VAT for the years 20174 to 2021.

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