What is the competente tax office for my German VAT registration?

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Can I register my company for VAT in Germany? Which is the correct address for VAT registration in Germany? Where is my company based? Regarding the place where your company is based, you should take one or another option for send the application to the tax office in Germany. In this table above  you can check, where is your company based, and the office on charge of your vat registration Germany of your foreign company.

If you have any question, you can also contact us to: +49 1520 8381499

Place of the company/freelancer Zuständiges Finanzamt
Bulgaria Finanzamt Neuwied
Denmark Finanzamt Flensburg
Estonia Finanzamt Rostock
Finland Finanzamt Bremen
France Finanzamt Offenburg
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
Finanzamt Hannover-Nord
Greece Finanzamt Berlin Neukölln
Ireland Finanzamt Hamburg Nord
Italy Finanzamt München
Croatia Finanzamt Kassel-Hofgeismar
Latvia Finanzamt Bremen
Liechtenstein Finanzamt Konstanz
Lithuania Finanzamt Mühlhausen
Luxemburg Finanzamt Saarbrücken Am Stadtgraben
Macedonia Finanzamt Berlin-Neukölln
The Netherlands Finanzamt Kleve
Norway Finanzamt Bremen
Austria Finanzamt München
Polonia starting companies from A to G Finanzamt Hameln
Polonia starting companies from H to L Finanzamt Oranienburg
Polonia starting companies from M to R Finanzamt Cottbus
Polonia starting companies from S to Z Finanzamt Nördlingen
Portugal Finanzamt Kassel Hofgeismar
Romania Finanzamt Chemnitz-Süd
Russian Federation Finanzamt Magdeburg

Sweden Finanzamt Hamburg-Nord


Finanzamt Konstanz
Slovakia Finanzamt Chemnitz-Süd
Spain Finanzamt Kassel-Hofgeismar
Slovenia Finanzamt Oranienburg
Czech Republic Finanzamt Chemnitz-Süd
Turkey Finanzamt Dortmund-Unna
Ukraine Finanzamt Magdeburg
Hungary Finanzamt Nürnberg-Zentral
USA Finanzamt Bonn-Innenstadt
Belarus Finanzamt Magdeburg
Other foreign countries Finanzamt Berlin Neukölln

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